

Common Questions

How much is the monthly tuition?

Well, that depends on your child's age group and how many classes your child is enrolled in.

Click here for our current prices.

Are there any other fees?
Are yearly membership fees refundable?
Are there any other costs?
What about family discounts?
When are the monthly fees due?
Are monthly statements mailed?
What should we do if we decide not to attend anymore?
Do I have to pay for lessons my child doesn't attend?
What if we decide to take a vacation?
What about days the gym is closed?
Can my child practice at home?
Can I watch my child's class?
What if I have questions about my child's class/progress, who should I talk to?
What if I have questions about my account or schedule, who should I talk to?
Can I leave my child at the gym before and after class?
What about the parking lot?
What should my gymnast wear? 
What if I have questions about my child's instructor, who should I talk to?
What are the teachers like at Bailie's? 
When will my child move up to the next level? 
What can I expect from Bailie's?
Anything else?